The Lowest Point on Earth’s Beauty Secret - Bold Beautiful Cosmetics

The Lowest Point on Earth’s Beauty Secret

The Lowest Point on Earth’s Beauty Secret

People all over the world struggle with skin disorders. Whether it be a case of minor acne or a painful flare-up of psoriasis, it is extremely disheartening and can quickly bring down your confidence. You dread going out in public and feel as if you have to have a face full of makeup on to cover your blemishes. 


Does this sound like one of your daily battles? Bold Beautiful Cosmetics has a little secret that will transform your skin and have you glowing in no time. Listen up and get ready to shine!


What is the Lowest Point on Earth?

The Dead Sea

Sitting on the west side of Jordan, nestled within the rocky desert of the Northern Arabian Peninsula, the magic of the Dead Sea flows. You might be thinking that a name like the ‘Dead Sea’ doesn’t sound very promising, but the benefits and natural minerals it provides are nothing short of amazing. 


The Dead Sea plunges to a whopping 1,410 feet below sea level, truly making it Earth's lowest natural point. Not only does it capture your eyes with its beautiful turquoise water, but it also contains the highest level of salinity of any body of water in the world. To give you an idea of just how much, The Dead Sea contains almost nine times more salt than the ocean! That is pretty mind-blowing when you think about it from that perspective. 


Not only does the Dead Sea contain a great number of natural salts, but it is also flowing with therapeutic mineral waters, high atmospheric pressure, reduced solar radiation, and low allergens. With all of these beneficial elements thriving in this water, the mud on the Dead Sea’s floor absorbs these natural resources. The mud is then harvested, filtered, and purified, providing us with our Dead Sea Skin Care


The Pure Beauty of Dead Sea Mud

Dead Sea mud is overflowing with skin benefits, using a distinctive composition of nourishing minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, bromide, iron, and zinc. Dead Sea mud is helpful for all skin types, whether you have dry, oily, or combination, or if you are one of the lucky ones out there that have normal skin. There are numerous benefits for anyone and everyone! 


Check out the list below for a few of the main benefits Dead Sea mud provides:


  • Exfoliates & Detoxifies 

    As the Dead Sea mud dries on your skin, it pulls out all of the impurities and toxins your skin has taken in. Everything from dead skin cells, excess oils, dirt, and all things in between. Once you have washed our Dead Sea Mud Mask off, you are left feeling refreshed and glowing with natural radiance. Not only can you see a difference in your skin, but you can also feel a new smoothness and cleanliness the mud provides.   


  • Increases Skin’s Nutrient Absorption

    Another amazing benefit of Dead Sea mud is its ability to increase your skin's internal moisture levels. Which then causes a rise of energy and blood flow for your skin and creates a newfound level of nutrient absorption. With the combination of our Body Scrub Salts and Refreshing Body Lotion, your skin will be thriving! 


  • Cleansing & Strengthening

    Our Dead Sea Skin Care gives your skin a cleaning like never before with its hydrating and firming properties and also helps balance your pH levels. It even helps boost your skin's collagen production, which is crucial in the strengthening aspect. Our Dead Sea Soap Bar and Body Scrub Salts are perfect for reaching that clean feeling we all crave.  


  • Anti-aging

    Aren’t we all trying to keep our skin looking youthful as we age? The Dead Sea mud does exactly that! The mud’s nutrients provide your skin with regenerative properties and enhance your skin’s elasticity, giving you a smooth appearance and reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Another bonus benefit of the Dead Sea mud is the improvement of sleep and stress relief it provides. As we all know, those two factors alone play a huge role in aging. 


  • Acne Treatment 

    Anyone and everyone suffers from acne at one point in their life, and I think we can all agree it’s the best confidence crusher out there. Using our Dead Sea Skin Care products can take away your dreadful pimples and blackheads, alleviate dry skin, and have your complexion refreshed and looking better than ever.  


  • Relieves Skin Disorders

    The Dead Sea mud can improve numerous skin conditions with its nourishing minerals such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, acne/blackheads, rosacea, and vitiligo. If you suffer from any of these skin conditions, you don’t have to anymore with the use of our products!


    The list of benefits from Dead Sea mud is truly life-changing in many ways. Whether you are longing for radiant skin, looking for a natural and chemical-free skincare line, or trying to combat cellulite and stretch marks, Bold Beautiful Cosmetics has you covered.  

    Dead Sea Mud Mask

    Why Your Skin Needs Our Products

    Searching for a reliable skincare routine can be stressful in today's world, unfortunately. There are tons of products filled with toxic chemicals that our bodies simply do not need or want, which then leads to more problems down the road. 


    It is so important to know the ingredients that are going onto your skin so you can avoid harmful chemicals like parabens, phthalates, and products packed with fragrances. Our skin longs for clean and natural products, and that is exactly what we provide you with here at Bold Beautiful Cosmetics


    Our Dead Sea Skin Care is always made with pure and high-quality natural ingredients, is cruelty-free, and is affordable. We strive to provide your skin with the best of the best and have your confidence beaming. No one deserves to suffer from the pain of skin disorders, whether they be minor or major, we are here for you and your skincare needs!  


    Who would've ever thought that the lowest point on Earth could be capable of so much good and provide us with endless confidence? It is truly magical.   


    Life is too short to not have the skin you deserve.


    Check out our Dead Sea Skin Care products here and place your order today! 

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